(AGI) – Roma, 20 nov. – Ci sono tre italiane nelle due classifiche pubblicate oggi dal Wall Street Journal. Frida Giannini, direttore creativo di Gucci, figura al 43 esimo postodelle “50 women to watch” e Silvana Armani, membro del boarddella Giorgio Armani Spa e Laura Ferro, presidente eamministratore delegato di Gentium Spa figurano “Ten women to watch in Europa”, pubblicata per ordine alfabetico. Tra le 50 donne al Top della classifica mondiale al primo posto c’e” Melinda Gates, moglie di Bill Gates, che dirige la fondazione no profit Bill and Melinda Gates Fondacion. Al secondo, al quarto e al dodicesimo posto ci sono tre new entry: Indra Nooyi, ex presidente e responsabile finanziario della PepsiCo, nominata Ceo, Patricia A. Woertz, ex executive della Chevron, approdata alla guida di Archer Daniels-Midland,, un colosso Usa delle biotecnologie e Lal Naina Kidwai, responsabile per l’India della Hsbc, il colosso bancario che punta ad espandersi nella classe media indiana. Il WSJ nota, che nonostante le sue classifiche, l’anno scorso solo il 16,4% della classifica dei top manager di Fortune 500 era guidate da imprenditrici donne.

Roma, 20 nov. (Apcom) – Di seguito la Top 50 della “Women to Watch 2006” stilata dal Wall Street Journal, e la “Ten women to watch in Europe” (queste ultime citate per ordine alfabetico). Graduatoria generale
1. Melinda Gates, Co-Founder, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
2. Indra Nooyi, President and Ceo, PepsiCo
3. Irene Rosenfeld, Ceo, Kraft Foods
4. Patricia A. Woertz, Ceo and President, Archer-Daniels-Midland
5. Andrea Jung, Chairman and Ceo, Avon Products
6. Neelie Kroes, Eu Antitrust Commissioner, European Union Commission
7. Patricia Russo, Chairman and Ceo, Lucent Technologies
8. Clara Furse, CEO, London Stock Exchange
9. Anne Mulcahy, Chairman and Ceo, Xerox
10. Margaret C. “Meg” Whitman, President and Ceo, eBay
11. Zoe Cruz, Co-President, Morgan Stanley
12. Naina Lal Kidwai, Group General Manager and Country Head, India, HSBC Holdings
13. Ana Patricia Botn, Executive Chairman, Banco Espaol de Credito
14. Maureen Chiquet, Global CEO-Designate, Chanel
15. Marjorie Scardino, CEO, Pearson
16. UrsulaM. Burns, President, Business Group Operations, Xerox
17. Linda Chatman Thomsen, Director of Enforcement, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
18. Susan Whiting, CEO, Nielsen Media Research
19. Mary Ma, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer,Lenovo Group
20. Mary Schapiro, Chairman and CEO, National Association ofSecurities Dealers
21. Silvia Lagnado, Vice President for Savory, Chilled and FrozenFoods, Unilever
22. Deb Henretta, President, ASEAN, Australasia and IndiaMarkets, Procter & Gamble
23. Ellen J. Kullman, Executive Vice President, DuPont
24. Debra L. Lee, Chairman and CEO, Black EntertainmentTelevision
25. Mary F. Sammons, CEO, Rite-Aid
26. Laura Desmond, CEO, Starcom MediaVest The Americas
27. Jane Friedman, President and CEO, HarperCollins PublishersWorldwide
28. Christina Gold, CEO, Western Union
29. Charlene Begley, Chief Executive and President, GE Plastics
30. Wei Christianson, China Chief Executive, Morgan Stanley
31. Amy Woods Brinkley, Global Risk Executive, Bank of America
32. Ann Livermore, Executive Vice President, Hewlett-Packard
33. Vivienne Cox, Executive Vice President, Gas, Power andTrading, BP
34. Mary Minnick, Executive Vice Pesident/President of Marketing,Strategy and Innovation, CocaCola
35. Christine Poon, Vice Chairman, Johnson & Johnson
36. Susan Desmond-Hellmann, Chief of Product Development,Genentech
37. Cynthia Carroll, CEO-Designate, Anglo American
38. Angela Ahrendts, CEO, Burberry Group
39. Jerri DeVard, Senior Vice President, Marketing and BrandManagement, Verizon Communications
40. Patricia A. Curran, Executive Vice President, Store Operations, Wal-Mart Stores
41. Mary Dillon, Executive Vice President and Global Chief Marketing Officer, McDonald’s
42. Anne-Marie Idrac, President, SNCF French railways
43. Frida Giannini, Creative Director, Gucci
44. Akiko Ide, Senior Vice President, NTT DoCoMo
45. Helene Gayle, President and CEO, CARE
46. Susan Lyne, CEO, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia
47. Susan Decker, CFO, Yahoo
48. Anne Sweeney, president, Disney-ABC Television Group
49. Liz Vanzura, Global Marketing Director, Cadillac
50. Michelle Kristula-Green, President, Leo Burnett Asia-Pacific
Ten Women To Watch In Europe (“le 10 donne da tener d’occhio in Europa”)
Silvana Armani – Member of the board – Giorgio Armani
Laura Ferro – Chairwoman and chief executive officer Gentium
Dagmar Kollman – Country head for Germany and Austria Morgan
Stanley BankAdeline Lescanne – Director of Plumpy/Nut in the field
NutrisetNatalie Massenet – Founder Net-a-Porter Liz Mohn – Member of the supervisory board Bertelsmann
Pascale Mussard – Co-artistic director Hermès International
Viviane Reding – Commissioner for Information Society and MediaEuropean Union
Anita Roddick – Consultant The Body Shop and L’Oréal
Dianne Thompson – Chief executive Camelot Group

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